How far along?
39 weeks and 2 days...5 days to go! (only I'm thinking he's way too comfortable in there and I'll be pregnant forever)
The sweetest baby boy

How big is baby?
The doctor estimated 7.5 lbs at my appointment yesterday, which 7.5-8 lbs has always been the weight I was hoping for! Oh and my app says he's the size of a watermelon.
Total weight gain/loss?
27 total weight gain.
Maternity clothes?
Yes. And so tired of wearing all of them. My favorite sweatpants and leggings are getting so worn out but I refuse to buy more at this point. I constantly picture what it'll be like to wear my regular clothes again.
Sleeping fine but the peeing is out of control. I thought it was bad before but last night was on another level.
Best moment this week?
My husband and I had such a great Valentines day on Saturday which was also our 7 year dating anniversary. We slept in, walked and bathed the dogs, got brunch, went to Restoration Hardware and ordered a big canvas map that we've been eyeing for MONTHS that will fit perfectly on the big wall of our living room. Then we walked around a new place near us called Manatee Lagoon, where manatee's like to hang out around November-March since the water is warmer. The weather was cool and sunny, such a pretty day!
We went to Publix on our way home to pick up seafood since Ryan was inspired to make his own seafood dish for dinner that turned out AMAZING. Lobster tails, scallops, shrimp and mussels in a white wine sauce over jasmine rice. Who needs to fight the Valentines day crowds when you have chef skills like these??
We ended the night by getting frozen yogurt at Menchies and watching a movie before bed. Who could ask for a better day? As anxious as I am to meet Miles, I'm cherishing this last bit of time we have together as a family of two.
Food cravings?
Still sparkling water with limes but also blueberry muffins. I am slightly obsessed.
Food aversions?
Labor signs?
I've been getting cramps for the last few weeks that feel like menstrual cramps. I had my 39 week appointment yesterday and I was barley 1 cm dilated. I was so disappointed and thought for sure I would have made more progress. I guess he's just a happy camper in there! I have another appointment Monday where they'll give me a non-stress test and ultrasound to make sure he's doing ok and to check my fluid levels. I left thinking that we'll most likely schedule an induction for later on next week, but I'm still really hopeful I go on my own before then.

Belly button in or out?
Out...still no stretch marks! I'm nervous they'll pop up now that we're towards the end so I'll continue to drink a lot of water and load up on belly butter creams.
What I miss?
All the usual things, but mostly just being able to fit in my regular clothes. I went through all my drawers and washed and re-organized everything and it was just nice to see all the outfits that I've been missing for the last 9 months.
What I’m looking forward to?
Meeting our boy! After planning and planning for months I'm at the point where I just want to get the labor and delivery over and meet our sweet baby Miles. Maybe this will be my last pregnancy update??