Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pregnancy Update / 38 Weeks

How far along?
38 weeks and 2 days...1 week and 5 days to go!

The sweetest baby boy

How big is baby? 
According to my app, Miles is the size of a pumpkin, which seems crazy ! At my weekly appointments the doctor measures my belly and they tell me he's right on track, which is anywhere from 6-9 pounds. I'm hoping he'll be 8lbs when he's born, but as long as he's healthy I guess it really doesn't matter!

Here is a picture when I am 37 weeks from my shower

Total weight gain/loss? 
I've gained 27 pounds so far.

Maternity clothes? 
At this point, figuring out what I'm going to wear is the worst part of my day haha. Since I'm still working it's just hard to find anything that fits me comfortably and is still "professional". I probably rotate between the same 5 or 6 outfits at this point and I don't even care. I am just so ready for this baby to get here!

It's been surprisingly chilly here in Florida for the past couple weeks so when I'm home I live in sweatpants and my husband's hoodies haha.

I still sleep pretty good through the night, but I need to wedge myself between two pillows so I have support on my back and can kind of drape myself over the other pillow. The worst part has just been how many times I have to get up and pee every night! I swear last night I  peed 10 times. Getting out of bed or even off the couch when I'm laying down has become a chore. 

Best moment this week?
Finishing his nursery! We have worked so hard on it and seeing how nicely it came together was awesome. I have a whole post with nursery pictures if you want to see it!

 I'm loving this boon grass drying rack that we recently purchased. It looks so cute on our counter and I've already used it when I sanitized all the bottles.

I was shopping at Home Goods a few months ago and found this fruit/veggie holder on clearance and it has worked great to hold his bath stuff!

Are you kidding me with this shark bathrobe? I mean seriously, melt my heart!

I had so much fun packing his diaper bag with the most adorable things for the hospital!

Food cravings? 
Sparkling water with fresh lime slices. And always sweets, probably now more than ever.

Food aversions? 
Nothing that I can think of. 

Labor signs? 
Two weeks ago, around 4 p.m. I started to experience light contractions that I would compare to period cramps that were coming every 3-5 minutes and lasting about 10-30 seconds each. I figured they were just Braxton Hicks and would go away soon but even after I left work, went to Target and came home they were still coming at the same consistency. I told my husband when he came home, at this point it was 7 p.m. so I had been experiencing these for 3 hours. I knew if this was the real deal they would get more intense, which they hadn't, so we decided to go to dinner like we planned but packed our hospital bag in the car just in case. Around 8 p.m. the contractions started to slow down and then finally stopped all together. It was definitely a crazy experience and really got our butts in gear to finish the nursery and get everything else we still needed for his arrival!

I'm really hoping I go into labor on my own and I don't end up getting induced. I always pictured the typical movie scenario happening to me, where your water breaks during the night and it's a mixture of chaotic excitement. 

Belly button in or out? 
Fully out! I really hope it goes back in after he's here haha.

What I miss?
Clothes that fit, moving gracefully (ha), running, and champagne. 

What I'm looking forward to?
Meeting my sweet boy! I get emotional just trying to picture what it will be like seeing him for the first time and seeing my husband hold him; it makes me tear up just thinking about it!

At my appointment yesterday I was 1 cm dilated and my cervix had softened since last week. The doctor stripped my membranes a little bit (what a painful experience!) to hopefully speed things along. I felt cramping and uncomfortable for the rest of the day and experienced light discharge, which apparently is normal after they do that but oh my god, as anxious as I am to go into labor I'm not sure if I'll have them do that again next week, it was just too much for me! 

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