Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Babymoon in St. Augustine, Florida

A babymoon was a new concept to me until I found out I was pregnant and started my journey into researching all things pregnancy and baby. Basically, I learned that a babymoon is a relaxing and romantic vacation for parents-to-be to take before the baby arrives. I loved the idea of getting away for a weekend with Ryan, and we always wanted to go to St. Augustine so this was the perfect opportunity.

We are huge fans of B&B's so it was a no brainer that we stay at one for this trip. I heard that parking is hard to come by in town so I used Trip Advisor to find one that was located in the historic district so we could walk wherever we needed to go. We settled on Casa De Solana and it turned out to be a great choice! It had a quaint and historic feel that matched the vibe of the town. 

Our B&B was located at the end of Aviles Street, which is actually the oldest street in the USA, so cool! I loved that the street was all cobblestone and had cute cafes, boutiques, and art galleries on both sides. It had a very European feel.

The employees were beyond sweet and helpful. We made a reservation to eat at the Raintree our first night in town and one of the ladies at the front desk overheard us talking with another couple about it and came in to tell us that she would call and have the restaurants complimentary driver service pick us up. She also gave us great suggestions for places to eat in town. It's so nice to get recommendations from locals when you are new to an area.

We started with a mussel appetizer, which was in a Lemon, Garlic and White Wine Butter Sauce that was to DIE for!
Beef Wellington

Seafood Thermidor

Ryan's favorite part about B&B's are obviously the breakfasts...

We also love that most of them (including this one) have a complimentary cocktail hour where wine, beer and snacks are served in the lobby. It's a great way to meet other couples, and share experiences about what to do and see around town.

Ryan's favorite thing we did by far was visiting the fort. He is a history major and major dork so he literally read every. single. plaque. and loved every second of it. Luckily they had benches so I could take a break from all the walking and standing while he was in all his learning glory haha.

My favorite was the sunset sailboat cruise on Schooner Freedom Charters. Ryan and I have never been sailing before and it was always on my bucket list. We also met some really sweet couples who shared their parenting experiences with us. It was so touching to hear them talk about their "grown up babies", we could really feel the love they have for their children and that was so special to us.

Another cool place we visited was the Fountain of Youth.
 Here's to forever!

I would recommend St. Augustine to people who enjoy history, photography, lots of walking (we walked 5+ miles each day!), and great food. Overall, we felt that it was a perfect place for our babymoon!

Not a sponsored post. Post contains my genuine recommendations and opinions. 

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